Based on manga by Ruuen Rouga, who also did the original work for Trouble Evocation.
Demons, ghosts, goblins, and monsters of all kinds begin to escape from their prisons and are attacking humans. The number of casualties increases rapidly. Mitsurugi who happens to be a Raiatto (a hunter who specializes in exterminating monsters) that uses three seal balls each of which contain a female. Mitsurugi calls one of them each time he needs to exterminate monsters.
Featured Series
- Ane KoiWatch All Episodes!
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2 Episodes - First LoveWatch All Episodes!
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3 Episodes - Iizuka-senpai x Blazer: Ane Kyun! Yori The AnimationWatch All Episodes!
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1 Episode - Junjou Shoujo Et CeteraWatch All Episodes!
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2 Episodes - Tsuma no Haha SayuriWatch All Episodes!
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2 Episodes - VampireWatch All Episodes!
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2 Episodes